Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Romanji -- Romanized Letters

Japanese has vowels just like in English but they are they are just a little different. The Japanese vowels go in this order:
and they are pronounced:
A as in fAther
I as in mEEt
U as in yOU
E as in forgEt
O as in sOda

Lets look at the numbers 1-10
1 is Ichi pronounced EEchEE
2 is Ni pronounced nEE
3 is San pronounced sAHn
4 is Yon or Shi pronounced yOHn or shEE
5 is Go pronounced gOH
6 is Roku pronounced rOHkOO
7 is Nana or Shichi pronounced nAHnAH or shEEchEE
8 is Hachi pronounced hAHchEE
9 is Kyuu or Kuu pronounced kYOU or kOO
10 is Juu pronounced jOO
The numbers 10-20 are just like 1-10 except you start every number with Juu (10) so Juu ichi pronounced jOO EEchEE is eleven.
lets watch a video that will help count from 1-20
If you listen you can hear how they are pronounced and try to repeat him. He goes fast so if you need to pause or listen again feel free.

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